Let’s Glow Golfing!
Thursday, July 6th
Check-In 8:45 PM (Not AM)
Shotgun Start: 9:00 PM
Mountain Falls Golf Course
Big news! We’re lighting up the links and swinging away after dark with some help from Glow Vibe Golf.
Check in at the Welcome Center at 8:45 PM to get your hole assignment. Then grip it and rip it in a scramble under the stars. After play, we’ll meet back at the Clubhouse for scoring and a few nightcaps.
Don’t forget to join our other Liberty Coach events, too:
Let’s Glow Golfing!
You may also visit our Welcome Center to register, or call our Hospitality Team at (828) 579-4678 between 8:30 AM and 7 PM daily to sign up via phone!